Day 4. Edward's Birthday
Jane couldn't keep up with the huge garden so they had to hire a gardener. Unfortunately, that didn't work out because she couldn't get to some bushes. Many, actually. She comes back much later after I finally find and install a mod that helps reach any of them. Can't remember if I mentioned but I know there's a mod for gardens that don't need tending, I just prefer the challenge.
The very first puppy my sims adopted, whom I gave a very posh name that is Maximillian ^_^' Or simply Max.
He has a funny mask-like spot.
There's something hilarious about this photo. Can't quite pin down what Hermione's glance is expressing, but unlike her and Ron, these two have way more autonomous romantic interactions, if you haven't noticed yet.
Teddy with a teddy :P
Whenever toddlers hug pets, I get a feeling the pets are silently crying "Help me..." ^_^'
I know, I know... Go have some rest.
The birthday party has begun, and this guy on the left is Jade Allen, he met Remus some time ago. It's one of my playable Sims and he has his own album. Don't know if anyone would be interested, since it's pretty much like the Hogwarts album. He joins the rotation in a bit, on this very sim day.
You might be wondering what Jade is doing here, well, the thing is, he and Luna started dating in his Hogwarts time frame. So from now on they live together.
I'm not following the canon pairings for my single graduates, since I decided not to create more HP characters, besides, it was only briefly mentioned whom they married, not much to go on.
Yuck, burnt spaghetti.