Day 5. Another Wedding


Draco reading a book
The maid NPC entering the gate

Even with Jane, we need more help cleaning this giant place.


Another breakfast Harry practicing speech Harry holding puppy Max A stray dog chewing a toy near Max in doghouse


Hermione shopping for clothes Ron returns home from work Guests coming: Luna, Harry, Hannah, Ginny, Cho, Jade Close up of Ginny and Jade Hermione spraying pesticides on a tree

Not the most fun thing one could be doing on their wedding but the garden won't wait.

Ron and Hermione under the arch, Jade's the first to sit Cho joins them, Luna is looking elsewhere Putting the rings on The kiss Jade, Luna and Cho at their seats

"Too bad we're the only ones watching, huh..."

Close up of Ron and Hermione under the arch Ron cutting the cake

I have a feeling she's thinking "Don't you even think of shoving that cake in my face..."

He does exactly that

Because, you know, it's what happens a lot in The Sims 2 ^_^'

Both of them laugh Everyone in the dining room eating the cake Cho would rather have some juice in a can Harry and Ginny hugging, Ron on the right, Cho in the background Hermione, Hannah and Luna talking at the table Cho grabs champagne It's a little crowded here Wedding toast Newlyweds toasting


Neighbours talking outside Remus and Ted walking to a community lot Ted zoom in Both of them sitting on a couch at the community lot Buying clothes Ted asleep on the couch


Luna reading a newspaper Luna tinkering with a dishwasher Jade hiding his diary Resumes writing in it on the floor Shadow in its cage

Jade brought his pet bird Shadow.

Jade making coffee Remus and Shadow

Abbott and Chang

Plants growing in the backyard