The Lupin Family
Just after my Sims graduated, I felt like adding a couple more characters. But because CAS adults always start young, I ended up with Remus being the same age as Harry and the rest, so I had to play this household more often to get to where things should be. Think of this as a prequel, since it technically happens in the past, up to the point when their timelines coincide and I play them in rotation all together.

I moved Remus into an apartment lot I found on ModTheSims, it's called Diagon Alley but I placed it into my Hogsmeade sub-neighbourhood because it fit so well, and I only need two at most (the second one is Godric's Hollow).
I just love this place! I took a few pictures of it that you're about to see. It had a couple problems, if I recall correctly, the first time I opened it, there was some season-related error but I just reset it or something. Another problem is the school bus not arriving at 8 am so you have to walk to school.
P.S. Much later I found out it was a common bug for any in-game apartments, too.
Too cute not to take a picture.
Yes. This is Sirius xD
Or rather a black dog named after him, because I wouldn't want real Sirius treated like a pet, as much as I'd like him to be in my game...
Now, I wish I did bother and added Sirius into my game as a sim. But I was tired of creating lookalikes and too impatient to play. Besides, the character's personal life remains so obscure, I might have had him date some random townie or no one at all, which seemed a little boring and not right, for some reason.
At this time I create yet another and last character, Tonks. I admit it was rather difficult to achieve a good likeness. As I had no suitable CC hair, I had to change the colour after moving in, into another lot for now.

Another snapshot of the building because I love it.
Lucky to have met Tonks on the Godric's Hollow community lot on the same day as I added her, it seems.
Oops, that conversation didn't go well...
There was also Ron dining with some townie. But he's not supposed to be in this area yet, so shhh!
A neighbour. I think her name's Calista. At this rate she'll become closer to Sirius than any of my Sims.
Isn't it handy that bathtubs can still function in the middle of a room xD (the problems of having a dog but no bathtub)
Oh, while we're at it. I know there is a possibility to turn Sims into werewolves, but I didn't bother with making Remus one and prefer to just pretend he is (like I pretend everyone is a wizard or witch while leaving very few to actually do magic). Not only would it change his personality and happen every night, but befriending wolves takes time even with cheats, so no, thank you.